How Consuming Passion Fruit Prove Valuable For Your Health

The Passion fruit is the fruit of a number of plants in the Passiflora family. The plant is native to southern Brazil through Paraguay to northern Argentina. Passion fruits have a juicy pulp with a large number of seeds. They are usually round or oval in shape and can be yellow, red, purple or green….

Benefits of Yogurt

Yogurt is made by fermenting milk. This simple looking item has the same bacteria as our intestines. Here are some interesting facts about yogurt that you might not know. Cheapest Calcium Source It is the easiest, cheapest, most ready source of Calcium. Yogurt provides the best dietry source for the absorption of Calcium as it…

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Avocados

High Fiber Content High fiber content in Avocados aids intestinal movement by absorbing water and improving intestinal peristalsis( movement). thus relieving Constipation and Flatulence. High Source of Energy Almost 80% of the energy derived from avocados comes in the form of monounsaturated fatty acids called Oleic acids which gives it a buttery texture and a…

Amazing ways fibre acts to Improve Tummy Troubles

   Fibre is necessary in our diet. Everyone knows its good for us but ever thought why? Here’s why !                A Fibre is a thread or filament which makes vegetable and fruit tissues, made of cellulose which is a plant cell wall. That cellulose is Resilient to stomach…