How To Get Rid of Bloating/Flatulence

Bloating refers to the retention of gas in the abdominal area causing an increase in diameter. While Flatulence means the passage of gas through the rectum. All in all, both of them cause abdominal pain, swelling and discomfort. While wearing form fitting clothes becomes a hassle, sometimes it may become awkward when people around you…

How to Treat Constipation without Medication

Constipation happens when bowels movements become infrequent and hard to pass. They may be accompanied with bloating or tummy pain. Inadequate water intake is the main cause of it. In an era of blooming fast food chains and fine dining, most people suffer from constipation these days. Lots of junk food, use of fine refined…

How to Battle Insomnia

Sleep a naturally recurring state of mind and body is a state of altered consciousness, inhibition of voluntary muscles and reduced interactions with surroundings. Our body is driven by circadian clock which controls our sleep wakefulness, alertness etc. This clock is affected by several factors like light, temperature and surroundings which can impair our sleep…

Some Incredible Benefits of Dates You Wouldn’t Have Guessed

Date is a product of Date Pam tree and has been known to be cultivated since 6000 B.C. They have been a staple food of Middle East and Indus Valley for thousands of years. Date is one of the sweetest fruits and comes in many varieties. While you may be familiar with them, you may…

How to Tackle Menstrual Cramps/Period Pain

Menstrual Cramps or period pain also called Dysmenorrhea, happens because of the contractions of the uterus or womb which is inarguably .If it contracts too strongly during your period, it can press nearby vessels. This briefly cuts off the supply of oxygen to the uterus and cause you pain or cramping. Hormone like substances (prostaglandins)…

Amazing Benefits of Chewing Stick

Chewing stick or Natural tooth stick or Miswak is a tooth cleaning twig taken from the tree of Salvadora persica and various others like Neem, Olive, Walnut, Lime etc. Being a natural alternative to modern toothbrush, its use dates back to over 7000 years. Besides their bactericidal properties which control and prevent the formation of plague, they…

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast and Easy

Pimples or Acne occurs when excessive oil, dirt and bacteria gets locked in the pores leading to inflammed , red swollen lesions filled with pus. Pimples being a common skin problem these days, may be due to hormonal imbalances, stress, ineffective skin hygeine, external heat or because the body is not able to dissipate the…

Management of Acid Reflux/Heart Burn

We all know the food eat is digested by the stomach with the help of acids and enzymes. Acid Reflux (or more popularly known term Heartburn), occurs when the lowers esophageal sphincter ( LES) dilates, releasing the contents of the stomach in the esophagus. The food which now contains stomach acids causes damage to the…

Little Known Benefits of Beetroots

Beets or Beetroot are the new Super Food. Beetroot is the the tap root portion of the beet plant. Apart from being a food source, beets are also used for food colouring as well as for their medicinal properties. Other varieties of beetroot have different uses like Sugar Beet, which is grown commercially for sugar…

Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a common spice in SouthEast Asia and has been used for centuries. These days people from other parts of the world have started using it. Here are some amazing facts that you may wanna know about turmeric. MEDICINAL VALUE Turmeric contains powerful bioactive compounds which awesome medicinal properties. Despite being used in India,…