Amazing Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit

Pitaya or pitahaya is a fruit of the several cactus species native to the Americas. Dragon fruit which is usually called pitahaya belongs to the genus Hylorcereus. The variety of dragon fruit widely available has white pulp with black seeds. A less common variety has red pulp with black seeds. AGING Being a rich source…

How To Boost Your Immune System

Tired of falling sick every now and then. Waking up in the morning feeling tired and sluggish. Chances are your immune system is not working properly. Here are some tips that can boost your immune system and give it a jump start. PROPER REST Proper rest is required by our body’s defense mechanism to function…

Natural Remedies to Treat Sunburn

The most common disadvantage of having fair skin is sunburn. The lighter the skin, the more chances of being it sun burnt. Sunburn is a form of radiation burn which affects skin by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. common symptoms are redness of the skin that is hot to touch, pain and fatigue….

Natural Alternatives To Chemical Loaded Toothpaste

The toothpaste we use today is full of chemicals and toxins that can harm our body in the long run. Here are some reason you should resort to natural alternatives instead of market bought toothpaste. The foaming agent in toothpaste is a detergent which is a cleaning agent made up of harsh chemicals and destroys…

Surprising Health Benefits of Edamame

Edamame, or edamame beans, are immature soyabeans in the pods. Soybeans are one of the worlds most popular food crops. They are widely processed and used as soy protein, tofu, soybean oil, soy sauce and miso. Traditionally eaten in Asia, edamame are getting widely popular in the western countries, where it is typically eaten as…

Amazing Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of the tree called Cinnamomom. The tree is native to South Asia. China and Indonesia account for 76% of the total production of cinnamon worldwide. Here are some worth knowing benefits of cinnamon. BLOOD PRESSURE The nitric oxide action of cinnamon dilates blood vessels and helps…

Fantastic Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe along with honey dew and watwmelons are a member of the family Cucurbitaceae. These humble looking melon are a powerhouse of nutrients like potassium, calcium, vitamin A, C and E. Here are some facts that will draw you more to this sweet tasting, palatable fruit. HYDRATION With about 90% water content, cantaloupes are a…

Wonderful Benefits of Black Currants

Black Currant is woody shrub grown for its tangy and appetizing  berries. It is native to temperate parts of central and northern Europe and northern Asia. The plant is grown both commercially and domestically and prefers damp and fertile soil. Black Currant is a powerhouse of nutrients and its consumption can provide you various health…

Surprising Health Benefits of Spinach

Spinach is a flowering plant belonging to the family Amaranthaceae which is native of to central and western Asia. The plant usually grows 30 cm tall.  Its leaves are commonly consumed as a vegetable. The plant can survive winter in temperate regions. HYPERTENSION Spinach provides a substantial amount of potassium which is helpful in lowering…

Incredible Benefits of Lemon

Lemon is a fruit of an evergreen flowering tree native to Asia. Lemon is 5 to 6% citric acid which gives it a characteristic sour taste. Here are some health benefits of lemon that may prove useful to you. PREVENTS BAD BREATH Our mouth is inhabited with anerobic bacteria that produce sulfur. When our mouth…